C 25/30 UP TO C 35/45

Concrete installation: Classes C 25/30 up to C 35/45

Before the concrete is poured, the freshly delivered mix is checked against the order parameters. And if everything meets the specifications, then we get started! The mix leaves the mixer directly or is pumped and compacted using vibrators. We are very familiar with analytical laser technology and the appropriate vibrating screed technology: we are laser screed technologists.

Floor slab planning: Legally relevant regulations

  1. DIN EN 1990: Eurocode 0 – Fundamentals of structural design
  2. DIN EN 1990/NA:2010-12: National Annex to EC 0
  3. DIN EN 1991-1-1:2002 + AC:2009: Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Weights, self-weight and live loads in buildings
  4. DIN EN 1991-1-1/NA/A1:2015-05: National Annex to EC 1
  5. DIN EN 1992-1-1:2004 + AC:2010: Eurocode 2 – Design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures – Part 1-1: General design rules and rules for buildings ¨
  6. DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA:2013-04: National Annex to EC 2
  7. DIN EN 206:2017-01: Concrete – Specification, properties, production and conformity
  8. DIN 1045-2:2008-08: Concrete, reinforced and prestressed structures – Part 2, Concrete – Specification, properties, production and conformity – Application rules for DIN EN 206-1
  9. DAfStb guideline “Steel fiber reinforced concrete”, November 2012 edition
  10. DBV leaflet “Industrial floors made of steel fiber reinforced concrete”, version July 2013
  11. DBV leaflet “Industrial floors made of concrete”, version February 2017
  12. DAfStb Guideline “Preventive measures against damaging alkali reactions in concrete (Alkali Guideline)”, October 2013 edition

STEEL FIBER FLOORS: Cost-effective, highly compacted and flat thanks to laser screed technology

Warehouses, logistics halls, production halls: Although steel fiber floors have not completely outstripped classically reinforced floors, more and more customers appreciate the installation of cost-effective steel fiber floors whenever high still loads and heavy use by forklift traffic with polyamide tyres are specified in the planning. In many cases, there is no need for large-area mat reinforcement. Steel fiber reinforced concrete is a composite material and the guidelines DAfStb Stahlfaserbeton:2021-06 (Deut‍scher Aus‍schuss für Stahl‍be‍ton) must be observed when planning and executing work with steel fiber reinforced concrete. Steel fiber floors must be highly compacted and level. And the proof of evenness is not the result of subjective observation, but is specified: We install your floor in accordance with the specifications of DIN 18202, table 3, lines 3 or 4. We achieve this evenness with the help of laser screeding equipment from SOMERO. Screed is the English word for screed, so it is a laser-supported concrete installation technique.  The laser screed technology enables us to achieve a flatness according to line 4 without any problems, as the laser measures the flatness 5 times per second during the paving process and a special device compacts the concrete so that there are no air pockets. After 28 days setting time and corresponding hardening, your steel fiber floor is fully loadable according to the specifications, easy trafficability is already given after 11 days – forklift pneumatic tires, without full load, max. 3.5 t total load lifting platform.


We look forward to your challenge!

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